Assembling cardigan worked bottom-up

Hi there!

Quick guide how to assemble cardigan knitted from bottom up.

If you would rather watch video, how to asseble the body and sleeves before working the yoke, you can watch this video on my Youtube channel.

Here are all the parts worked:

  • two sleeves on stitch holder
  • and the body on the working needles.

bottom_up_parts Cardigan parts to assemble

1. Work the right front

Work the stitches shown as green 1 according to instructions.


2. Place the rigth underarm stitches on the holder

Place the stitches between green 1 and pink 2 on stitch holder (please take the correct number of stitches from the pattern, the picture is only indication).


3. Place the right sleeve underarm stitches on the holder

On my picture all sleeve stitches are currently on the holder. So I would transfer the first and last N stitches (before and after removable marker) to separate stitch holder and the rest of the stitches either on separate circular needle or to my left hand needle to be worked.


The stitches to be moved to holder are shown on my photo in blue 3.

Also, find the correct number of stitches in the pattern.

4. Work the right sleeve stitches

Place the remaining (shown in light grey 4) stitches on separate circular needle or on your left hand needle and work according to the pattern.


5. Work the back stitches

Work the stitches shown as yellow 5 according to instructions.


You will find the correct number of stitches in the pattern.

6. Place the left sleeve underarm stitches on the holder

This is repeat of step 3, only for left sleeve.

On my picture all sleeve stitches are currently on the holder. So I would transfer the first and last N stitches (before and after removable marker) to separate stitch holder and the rest of the stitches either on separate circular needle or to my left hand needle to be worked.


The stitches to be moved to holder are shown on my photo in blue 6.

7. Work the left sleeve stitches

This is repeat of step 4, only for left sleeve.

Place the remaining (shown in light grey 7) stitches on separate circular needle or on your left hand needle and work according to the pattern.


8. Place the rigth underarm stitches on the holder

This is repeat of step 2, only for left sleeve.

Place the stitches between orange 5 and pink 8 on stitch holder (please take the correct number of stitches from the pattern, the picture is only indication).


9. Work the left front till end of row

Work the left front according to your pattern instructions.


10. The result

If all went well, your cardigan should look like this bottom_up_result

I hope this helps with your project.

Happy knitting, Kate